Pireeni Sundaralingam, a cognitive scientist, and guests will be discussing the future of sustainable design and the unconventional use of raw materials. Let's look at raw materials in a new way!
Every minute of the day, we touch and use a range of different objects but we rarely pay any attention to them: Where they have been before we get them? Or where they are going after we discard them? For example, what would happen if we used different materials for our clothes, our shoes? How could our food systems or our buildings use completely different raw materials?
Our brains are creatures of habit and we are used to thinking about problems in similar ways. But maybe we need new approaches, different routines, because critical issues are often neglected.
Tackling our neurological blind spots, we invite everyone interested in re-thinking design and raw materials to discover new and innovative ways to design and materials.
In an attempt to practice our cross-disciplinary thinking, this event combines design, business perspectives, the demand for sustainability and the latest findings from brain research.
The future is for everyone! The Futurium wants to be accessible to everyone.
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