FOTO: © Vivien Böhme

AVERS ed. 1 | revers:avers

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Doors: 18h

  • 18:30-19:00 - Dune x Panaromacritical (30min) 

Sound Artist - Dune - @_duneseve

Visual Artist - Mehdi - @lookfornomad


  • 19:00-19:30 - Zeynep Toraman x Maximilien Luc Proctor (30min)

Sound Artist - Zeynep @tora_zeynep

Visual Artist - Max 


Break 20min - Visuals with next act Info 


  • 19:50-20:30 - Doron Sadja & Nenad Popov (40min)

Sound Artist - Doron - @doronkysadjonky

Visual Artist - Nenad


  • 20:30-21:10 - T. Gowdy A/V - @t_g0wd_y (40min)


Break 20min - Visuals with next act Info


  • 21:30-22:10 - Para Vak x Oman Sounds (40min) 

Sound Artist - Lakshman - @para_vak

Visual Artist - Connor - @omansounds


  • 22:10-22:50 - AdJust in Time x Studio Kodek (40min)

Sound Artist - Justin - @justin_hamann.psy

Visual Artist - Gokalp & Yasemin - @studio.kodek: @gokalpckmk & @yaseminerguvan


Break 20min - Visuals with next act Info


  • 23:10-00:10- Ninon x STIGMATES (1h)

Sound Artist - Ninon - @ninon.dvslv

Visual Artist - Victor - @_stigmates_


  • 00:10-01:10 - Makoto Inoue A/V - @makoto_inoue_sound (1h)


Break 10min - Visuals with next act Info


  • 01:20-03:0 - Migz X Antonia Angel (1h40)

Sound Artist - Migz - @matt_migz

Visual Artist - Antonia - @antoangel17


revers:avers - eine multimediale Veranstaltungsreihe in der Alten Münze

Die Alte Münze etabliert eine neue, multimediale Veranstaltungsreihe, die viermal jährlich Künstler*innen aus den Bereichen Medien- & Digitalkunst, experimentellem Sound und verwandten Genres vereint. In der Prägehalle entstehen künstlerische Symbiosen, die audiovisuelle Performances als Dialog zwischen Klang, Bild und Raum erfahrbar machen. Die Veranstaltungsreihe gliedert sich in zwei Phasen: revers:avers – zwei Pole derselben künstlerischen Münze in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen.

Alte Münze is launching a new immersive event series that brings together artists from the fields of media and digital art, experimental sound, and related genres four times a year. In the historic Minting Hall, artistic symbioses emerge, making audiovisual performances a dialogue between sound, image, and space. The event series is divided into two phases: revers:avers – two poles of the same artistic coin, each with its own distinct form.


Alte Münze Molkenmarkt 2 10179 Berlin

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