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For its 15th exhibition within the framework of the Hors-les-murs programme of the Fondation Louis Vuitton, the Espace Louis Vuitton München is proud to present The Krazy House by Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra.

With the video installation The Krazy House, (Megan, Simon, Nicky, Philip, Dee), Liverpool, UK (2009), Dijkstra continues her exploration of adolescence. She asked five young people to dance to their favourite music in a special studio set up on the floor of a Liverpool nightclub. Engulfed in the dim, hushed, blueish environment, the dancers move before a plain white background. They are totally absorbed, each lost in their own image and the one they wish to give the observer. The artist specifically re-imagined the display of this dazzling piece for Espace Louis Vuitton München, shedding a brand new light on this famous artwork.



Espace Louis Vuitton München Maximilianstraße 2a 80539 München