Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Joyful, artistic, participatory and political, Seeding Freedom is Berlin’s one and only ecofeminist festival, inviting participants to question our world and weave a better and more inclusive future as citizens.

Come spend the day at LOBE Block for interactive workshops, talking and artistic circles, roudtables, live DJ sets, a special ecofeminist pub quiz, and so much more - all for free!

Join us and be part of the change!

Through five major axes – movement and body, art and creativity, civic engagement, debate, and activism – the second edition of Seeding Freedom is driven by the desire to explore and reflect collectively on ecofeminist topics (neurodiversity, masculinity, circular economy, classism, etc.), always from an intersectional perspective.

Together with activists, researchers, local communities and associations, political actors and artists, we will build an ecofeminist future for all.

[Please note that prior registration to individual workshops is not necessary, simply reserve your spot for the whole event.]

Practical information

  • Organised by the nonprofit Reclaim e.V. and supported by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF).
  • Free admission
  • No prior knowledge of ecofeminism is necessary
  • Formats both in English and German 
  • Vegan food and drinks will be available on-site
  • This event is wheelchair-accessible and uses the Sunflower Lanyard to raise awareness about hidden disabilities
  • Family and dog-friendly


Berlin Berlin

Organizer | Kollektiv

Reclaim - Ecofeminist Alliance e.V. Köln

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