Self-exploration through experimental portrait drawing and movement is an immersive experience that combines inspired exercises from Tai Chi/Qigong with meditation and portrait drawing to deepen awareness of the self and create meaningful connections. In a supportive environment, you will explore the perception of your own body and identity to reflect on how we see ourselves and others.
By integrating art therapy principles and engaging group exercises, it invites introspection about aspects of ourselves that are often difficult to put into words. Together we cultivate empathy and create genuine connections by creating a shared space for growth and understanding through sensory experiences and creative explorations.
What to Expect:
Body Awareness and Shared Space:
We will start with a short Tai Chi/Chigong session to focus on our personal body awareness and space awareness, followed by mindful movement and shared group exercises.
Whispering Presence and Group Portraits:
Prepare to be portrayed after a meditation to find where or when you feel most connected with your body.
Life-Size Portraits:
How do I see myself? How do others see me and how do I interpret that? What is my ideal self? We will explore these questions drawing a life-size experimental portrait, followed by a group discussion about the emotions expressed in our drawings.
All Levels Welcome. No prior knowledge of drawing or movement techniques is required—the focus is on shared discovery, connection, and experience, not technical ability.
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