Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Omri Abramov - sax
Bjössi Klütsch - guitar
Manuel Podhostnik - drums
Francesco Beccaro - bass

FRANCESCO BECCARO - UPWARD"Hard grooves, wild improvisations and heartfelt compositions: a night you won’t forget!”

Highly energetic, intense, and improvisation-heavy, UPWARD relies on layered structures. It’s a sort of fusion music favouring a raw yet evocative sound that reminds of Metheny, Zawinul, Mehldau, Scofield, as well as of pop-rock, Bowie, Prince, Radiohead, and D’Angelo.

The compositions draws heavily from daily life, including all political and social matters that shape its quality. Each tune sends a clear message and aims at involving the listener in an emotional journey. I believe you can sense moments of rebellion, melancholy, positivity, or just an easy grooving-along feeling.
Alongside Francesco are some of the best musicians of the European landscape: not only great sidemen, but bandleaders in their own right , each bringing their unique personality to the music. Francesco Beccaro is a Berlin based bass player and composer. Originally from Italy, Francesco graduated form the Collective School of Music in New York (USA) and is one of the featured soloists in Victor Wooten’s instructional DVD “Groove Workshop”.
His keen music sensitivity allowed him to work in a huge variety of musical styles. That led him to record and perform in various prestigious locations and festivals over 5 continents with such different artists as: Savion Glover, Jimmy Cobb, Popa Chubby, Oz Noy, Screaming Headless Torsos, Sean Wayland, Ed Palermo Big Band, Magro, Leona Berlin, just to name a few. Francesco’s first solo album, UPWARD, was released in May 2021 on Auand Records.

As a composer, he scored music for dance shows and videos that have been featured on various international festivals. Francesco was a faculty member of The Collective School of Music (New York, USA)from 2010 to 2018.

Eintritt frei – um angemessenen Kulturbeitrag wird gebeten.
Free entry – it is suggested to give some money if you like the band.

Das Peppi Guggenheim ist eine Raucherinnenbar! Einlass ab 18 Jahre!The Peppi Guggenheim is a smoking bar! Admission from 18 years!

Live auf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClIECsRNthI

#Upward #OmriAbramov #BjössiKlütsch #ManuelPodhostnik #FrancescoBeccaro #Jazz #JazzRock #modernJazz #PeppiGuggenheim #Neukölln #Berlin #BerlinJazz #JazzNeukölln #JazzBerlin


Spende / Donation


Peppi Guggenheim Weichelstr. 7 12045 Berlin

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