Hamburg hat ein neues Jazz-Festival! Urban Jazz ist der Soundtrack der Großstadt. Voller Energie und in ständigem Wandel. Wanja Hasselmann (NuH[u]ssel Orchestra) versammelt an zwei Festivaltagen spannende Bands im Birdland und ermöglicht nicht nur Jazz-Hörern einen Eindruck vom Sound des Hamburger Urban Jazz. Urban Jazz: Eine Generation von Musikern, aufgewachsen mit einer besonders großen Offenheit für Hip-Hop, Electro, Songwriting und Sample Beats, etabliert in der Hansestadt einen »up-to-date«-Sound, der in Städten wir London oder New York schon seit einigen Jahren die Runde macht. Ein Line-Up, das es so bisher noch nicht gegeben hat!
Rōkost ist das neueste Projekt des Hamburger Trompeters und Komponisten Michel Schroeder. Mit diesem Projekt wagt sich Schroeder zum ersten Mal auf das Gebiet der elektronischen Musik, kombiniert Synthesizer und Techno-Beats mit Jazz Elementen und modifiziert seinen Trompeten Sound mit elektronischen Effekten. Keinem Genre verschrieben lässt sich die Musik dieses Ensembles wohl am ehesten als „Electronic Experimental Punk Jazz“ beschreiben.
Video: https://youtu.be/-C2HNHY5cv4
Web: https://www.michel-schroeder.com/
When you press COSMIC LATTE – Ruben Roeh (guitar), Burkard Ruppaner (drums), and Tim Steiner (bass) – to define their music, they’ll share a telling look. How would anyone go about explaining this near-molecular bond? All three are formally trained musicians and as sidemen, have shared the stage hundreds of times, backing an eclectic roster of artists and performing a plethora of styles. To detox, they’d occasionally get together for a palette-cleansing jam and while traversing their vast musical repertoire, discovered unprecedented common ground. Following this trajectory felt almost like an obligation. With COSMIC LATTE, they now combine that impressive track record with their fortuitously aligned tastes and complimentary skill sets, and what you end up with is little short of magic – now available in the form of “Trapezia”: Nine tracks bursting with masterful musicianship, tasteful themes, colorful chords – all juxtaposed against a set of galloping grooves, concocted by a trio, who’s hearts, souls, and immense musical skill are in perfect sync.
Video: https://youtu.be/NGPNGQ6A2Ls
Web: https://www.baristasfromspace.com/
Nevell is a band formed by drummer and composer Anika Nilles. Those who already know her, know that she is much more than just your run of the mill drummer. Energetic, melodic and musically adept, that’s how she is described in professional circles and how her music is shaped. “Her large musical vocabulary, her expressiveness and lightness, her very tasteful, subtle drum compositions with surprisingly explosive drum fills inspire drummers all over the world.” (Die Zeit – Newspaper) She has been touring the world for many years, most recently with none other than English guitar legend and multiple Grammy Award winner Jeff Beck. Through her band, she creates a masterfully innovative mixture of jazz, funk and progressive elements; carefully combining virtuosity with catchy melodies. Nevell take their audience on a journey of compositional twists and turns, conversing in an on-stage playful, musical dialogue, unfolding into an unforgettable show of passion, energy and artistry.
Video: https://youtu.be/IqHHJtdSkBU
Web: https://www.anikanilles.com/nevell/