FOTO: © LIB, Lia Darjes

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20.03.2025: Dr. Karina Lucas da Silva-Brandão, Leitung Sektion Lepidoptera & Trichoptera - Angebot nur auf Englisch!

An activity for adults, to learn more about insects in general, focusing on the colorful-beautiful-intriguing butterflies. Let’s talk about their life histories, food preferences, ecological roles, and natural curiosities.

We will visit the Holometabolous collection of the Museum der Nature in Hamburg in the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB). It includes the collection of butterflies and moths, wing insects that have scales. Ca. of 1100 type species of lepidopterans are deposited in this collection, all of them maintained in fireproof cupboards. The main collection is composed of ca. of 1.000.000 specimens of adult butterflies and moths, dried, pinned and organized in ca. of 4500 entomological drawers. Most of the specimens came from Europe, Africa and Asia, but the collection also includes samples from South America. 


Museum der Natur Hamburg Bundesstraße 52 20146 Hamburg

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