Zeichenworkshop -- Porträtarbeiten

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

This is not your regular drawing workshop!

You won't get a step-by-step guide into drawing a perfectly simmetrical face.


You will learn how to look at faces, expressions, gestures and people altogether in a whole new manner. 
You will get a better feeling on your own artistic idioms and ways of expression
You will get to know other very loveable and talented creative individuals with similar inclinations. 

Did we tickle your fancy?
Spots are limited, so make sure to reserve yours in advance at or through our IG page @modos__dever. 
Remember: we also have beautiful vouchers so that you can gift your loved ones the participation in a workshop or course of the Kunstraum. Just hit us up for more information ;-)

We await you!

Your Kunstraum MODOS-DEVER


Spenden ab 15€


Kunstraum MODOS-DEVER Georg-Schumann-Straße 136 04155 Leipzig

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