PRK DreamHaus is a destination for fans and artists to connect with each other. We bring people together and create unique live experiences.
Helikon Events GmbH
BookingagenturTheater Liberi
BookingagenturLive Embassy
BookingagenturMore Zvukov Agency
BookingagenturMSK Meistersinger Konze…
Bookingagentur190a GmbH
BookingagenturContra Create
BookingagenturBoombatze Entertainment
BookingagenturElectric Blues Bash - B…
BookingagenturOHA Music
BookingagenturKınay Entertainment
BookingagenturFeshdles English Comedy
BookingagenturKugelblitz Events
BookingagenturDeMi Promotion
BookingagenturPetrified Phoenix
BookingagenturLauteNetteLeute Konzert…
BookingagenturNowAndEver Music
BookingagenturGood Concert