„We Won’t Shut Up!“ bedeutet unter anderem, dass wir uns gegen Rassismus und gesellschaftlichen Rechtsruck, gegen den Gender Pay Gap, gegen die Benachteiligung alleinerziehender Frauen, für den intersektionalen Feminismus, für Female Empowerment, für FLINTA*-Personen sowie für mehr Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in Kunst und Musik einsetzen. Das Festival betont die Bedeutung von Gemeinschaft, Solidarität und des Feminismus, die nur durch gemeinsames Handeln erreicht werden können.
Das „We Wont Shut Up!“-Kollektiv freut sich auch in diesem Jahr wieder darauf, gemeinsam mit Euch laut zu sein!
“We Won't Shut Up!” is a festival on International Women's Day that was launched in 2020 by a diverse group of people in Munich with the aim of bringing together as many aspects and topics related to this date as possible. In numerous events, women from different (professional) backgrounds are given the opportunity to raise awareness, provide information about their work, point out grievances, but also to present their art, music and creativity and celebrate this important day together.
“We Won't Shut Up!” represents taking a stand against racism and the shift to the right in society, against the gender pay gap, against the discrimination of single mothers, for intersectional feminism, for female empowerment, for FLINTA* people and for more visibility of women in art and music. The festival aims to stress the importance of community, solidarity and the positive aspects of feminism which can only be achieved through collective action.
Once again, the “We Wont Shut Up!” collective is looking forward to being loud with all of you this year.
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